Easy Converter is a complete package to get all the basic conversions.
Weight conversion:- In this app, you can convert Weight from any of the following units Grams, Kilograms, Pounds, and Ounces.
Volume conversion:- In this app, you can convert Volume from any of the following units meter cube, centimeter cube, millimeter cube, and gallon.
Temperature conversion:- In this app, you can convert Temperature from any of the following units Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin, and Rankine.
Time conversion:- In this app, you can convert Time from any of the following units days, hour, minute and second.
Distance conversion:- In this app, you can convert Distance from any of the following units Feet, Kilometres, Meters, and Yards.
Length conversion:- In this app, you can convert Length from any of the following units meter, decimeter, centimeter, millimeter.
Speed conversion:- In this app, you can convert Distance from any of the following units Meter per second, Foot per second, Kilometers per hour, and Miles per hour.